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Arguably one of the most well-known outdoor brands in the UK, from the early days above a shop in the North-East of England, Berghaus has come a long way. They’ve racked up more than 50 years’ experience creating outdoor gear that’s beautifully designed and built to last. They lead the way when it comes to new product design and technology development and over the years have made significant improvements to reduce their environmental impact and sustainable offering.
Born in the North East of England from a single idea by Peter Lockey and Gordon Davison, Berghaus started selling quality outdoor gear in 1966 from a small shop called the LD Mountain Centre in Newcastle, UK. They quickly gained a reputation for selling the best outdoor wear the industry had to offer and soon began to design and create their own outdoor wear, inspired by what climbers actually need. Find out more about Berghaus’ history.
Berghaus has racked up over 50 years of experience making mountain gear, so it’s no surprise that looking after the planet is something they feel very strongly about. Products marked with the MadeKind label mean they’re better for the planet and are made from recycled material, organic cotton, or natural sources. Find out more in their most recent sustainability report.